Not only shortage of money, but also the way money is managed in the opera world has led to hardships.
Not only shortage but also the way has ledが文の中心。第3文型。the wayの後に関係副詞のthatが省略されている。moneyからworldまでが関係詞節。
not only A but also B AだけでなくBも
shortage 不足
the way 仕方
manage うまく使う
lead つながる
hardship 苦難
Principal singers are generally paid performance fees once they complete a show.
pay A B でAにBを支払う、の受動態。onceは接続詞で、「いったん・・・すると」の意味。
principal 主役
generally ふつう、一般的に、概して
performance 上演
fee 報酬
once いったん・・・すると、・・・するとすぐに
complete 終わらせる
They typically receive nothing during the many weeks of rehearsal before a show starts.
They receive nothingが文の中心。第3文型。duringは前置詞、beforeはここでは接続詞。
typically 一般的に
receive を受け取る
during の間中ずっと
rehearsal リハーサル
To prepare for a role, they must pay the costs of lessons and coaching sessions.
they must pay the costsが文の中心。第3文型。Toは「・・・するために」の意味で、副詞的用法の不定詞。
prepare 準備する
role 役 (play an important role 重要な役割を果たす)
cost 費用
coaching session 個人授業
If they become ill or cancel their performance, they lose their performance fee.
they lose feeが文の中心。第3文型。Ifは「もし・・・ならば」の意味の接続詞。
ill 病気で
cancel 中止する (call off)
The insecurity of this system puts the future of opera at risk.
The insecurity puts the future at riskが文の中心。第5文型。
insecurity 不安定
put ~ at risk ~を危険にさらす