Opera is an important part of the Western classical music tradition.
tradition 伝統
It uses music, words, and actions to bring a dramatic story to life.
第3文型。to bringは目的または結果を表す副詞的用法の不定詞。
action 演技
bring~to life ~に命を吹き込む
dramatic 劇的な
Opera started in Italy at the end of the 16th century and later became popular throughout Europe.
Opera started and became popularが文の中心。第1文型と第2文型の文がつながれている。
later 後になって
throughout の至る所に
Over the years, it has responded to various musical and theatrical developments around the world and continues to do so.
it has responded and continues to doが文の中心。第1文型と第3文型がつながれている。1つ目のtoは前置詞、2つ目のtoは名詞的用法の不定詞。
over the years 長年
respond (必要性に)応える
various さまざまな
musical 音楽の
theatrical 演劇の
development 発展
continue を続ける
In recent decades, much wider audiences have been introduced to opera through modern recording technology.
recent 最近の
decade 10年間
audience 観衆
introduce 紹介する
through ・・・を通じて、・・・によって
modern 現代の
Some singers have become celebrities thanks to performing on radio, on television, and in the cinema.
singers have become celebritiesが文の中心。第2文型。
celebrity 有名人
thanks to ・・・のおかげで
cinema 映画館